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EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
2024 Craft Awards Program: Impact Review

2024 Craft Awards Program: Impact Review

With the anticipation of the 2025 Craft Awards Program being open for application, we looked back to connected with the 2024 Craft Award Recipients to hear their feedback on the impacts of receiving a 2024 Craft Award and what they are working on now! The Craft Awards are an annual program recognizing accomplished and dedicated practitioners in the field of craft and design. The Craft Awards program is able to take place on an annual basis through the valued support of many generous donors and sponsors. The Craft Awards Program is a vital part of furthering the careers of craft makers; recipients are awarded by a jury of their peers and makers who are established in their fields and funds received from a Craft Award can greatly stabilize and propel craft practices. 

Below are some of the responses from 2024 Craft Award recipients, responding to questions of how receiving this award impacted them, and you can find the entire list of recipients on our website!

“Winning this award was a very important step for me as a newcomer to Toronto. The greatest impact was being recognized as an emerging artist. I would recommend other artists to apply to a Craft Award because it is a great opportunity to meet and connect with other artists. The reception and time after was a great time for expanding communication within the craft sector in Toronto!”

Chu Winnie Cheung, 2024 recipient of the JJ Studio Award for Emerging Jewellery Artists

“Winning the Pottery Supply House Award allowed me to dedicate more time in the studio developing my work by alleviating some of the financial constraints of material costs. I was also really happy to connect and learn from the other recipients during the talks and the award ceremony. Receiving this award and having my work on display in the exhibition was a good opportunity to showcase work amongst peers and be a part of the community. Winning this award also provides you with recognition in the arts and craft community.”

- Mariana Bolaños Inclán, 2024 recipient of the The Pottery Supply House Clay or Glass Supply Grant


“It was an honour to be recognized for my work and the funding allowed me to invest in much-needed materials! It is nice to be recognized by your peers and the support is always appreciated.”

- Don Kwan, 2024 recipient of the Helen Frances Gregor Award


“Awards like these are really important, it isn’t so much the monetary value, although that is also always welcome, but it’s a helpful reminder that you’re on the right path. Often, I find myself so intimately close to the work that it becomes hard to know if anyone else even gets it, or if it’s connecting with anyone else. The award funding was very helpful in purchasing materials here in the UK while I complete my MA at the Royal College of Art!”

- Alex Kinsley Vey, 2024 recipient of the Chan Fraser Design Jewellery Award

“Receiving this award gave me the confidence and motivation to continue experimenting and developing my practice. It also connected me with many members of the ceramics community and various organizations, helping me deepen my involvement in the field! The award funding has allowed me to purchase materials in larger quantities, such as clay and glaze, giving me the freedom to experiment and push my work both conceptually and technically without material limitations.”

- Marina Van Raay, 2024 recipient of the Helen Copeland Memorial Award in Ceramics

Are you a craft artist ready to have your work be recognized by the community with the esteem of a Craft Award? The 2025 Craft Awards Program is open to applications! Makers are encouraged to apply to more than one award if eligible. You can also see the entire list of 2024 recipients listed on our website!
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