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The 2024 Cape Dorset Annual Print Collection is NOW OPEN to view and reserve!
The 2024 Cape Dorset Annual Print Collection is NOW OPEN to view and reserve!
Exhibition Reception: The Shape of Life

Exhibition Reception: The Shape of Life

Join us in celebrating our newest exhibition!

Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 2-4pm
RSVP here (not required, but appreciated!)
Craft Ontario Gallery, 1106 Queen Street West, Toronto

We are happy to invite you to the Craft Ontario Gallery on Saturday, August 24 to celebrate the opening of 'The Shape of Life', a solo exhibition of ceramic sculptures by Joon Hee Kim! On display from August 17 - September 29, 2024, these works are a gathering of life’s moments and artifacts, collaged together into colourful vessels that are teeming with life.

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Gallery, Queen Street, Toronto

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