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SAVE THE DATE! Opening Reception for the Upcoming Exhibition 'Void', Saturday, January 25, 2-5pm
SAVE THE DATE! Opening Reception for the Upcoming Exhibition 'Void', Saturday, January 25, 2-5pm
Featured Artist: Jeremy Gawen

Featured Artist: Jeremy Gawen

Join us in the Craft Ontario Shop from September 11th to October 1st to see our feature of woodworker Jeremy Gawen!

Artist Statement

"For me, the pleasure of woodturning is to bring out the beauty of the wood just as much as the shape of the finished product. I like to work with old, degraded burled woods and, so often, I will start with a piece with no discernible beauty and then discover, as the turning takes shape, the most amazing natural patterns, holes and crevices which add immensely to the finished bowl. It is, so often, a true voyage of discovery!

I turn mostly Canadian native woods from dead trees such as walnut, spalted, curly and birdseye maple and, occasionally, elm and box elder.

More recently, I have been making freeform platters using an angle grinder with a wood cutting head; again using wood from dead, native Canadian trees supplemented with olive wood from Italy and Portugal because of its beautiful grain patterns."



Jeremy was born in the UK where from an early age he was taught to work with and enjoy beautiful woods. For many years he made furniture as a way to relax after long days at the office. About 20 years ago he began to incorporate turned wood into his furniture and gradually changed his practice completely over to bowl turning. 

See a selection of Jeremy's work in our online shop!


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