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EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
Cheers to the new year, and to brighter days ahead.

Cheers to the new year, and to brighter days ahead.

Craft Ontario Shop would like to extend our heartfelt wishes to you for a happy and healthy 2021.

For those of you feeling the hardship of being in lockdown, we send you strength. By staying home, you're helping us all get to a safer time more quickly, so thank you! Our thoughts are also with those who are working on the front lines. 

Here in Toronto, our shop is closed to the public and we continue to take safety precautions to protect our staff. Online shopping and curb-side pickup are still available.

During this tough time, we'd like to remind you how independent artists and small businesses continue to struggle with lowered revenue and in reduced access to studio facilities.

If you are in a position to do so, we hope you will use your dollar to support the creative and innovative people that keep our society vibrant.

The very best to you and yours for 2021.

Craft Ontario Shop


 Warm and cozy feels good.
Keep your feet happy at home in sheepskin and fur. Browse the slipper collection, or check out this very rare pair of Inuit Kamik boots by Rita Annanack... for really cold feet!


Ceramics serve us warmth - enjoy your favourite hot beverage or some soup in a handmade mug.
Mugs by Dianne Lee, check out her whole collection of mugs, bowls and tumblers!


Keep your head covered!
Try a toque made with muskox hair (qiviut); one of the softest and warmest materials to keep you fashionable and cozy. Brought to you by the Nunavut Development Corporation.

Stay Safe 💪

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