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EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
EXHIBITION EXTENDED: Visit 'Void' in the Craft Ontario Gallery until March 30!
Window Feature: Narwhal-inspired Art

Window Feature: Narwhal-inspired Art

This month's feature is all about narwhals!

Dubbed "the unicorns of the sea", these beautiful and mysterious animals are frequently depicted by Inuit artists. See our collection of sculptures, prints, and two actual narwhal tusks on display in our front window until March 3rd. 

Featured artists: Noel Kaludjah, Temela Pitsiulak, Jaco Ishulutak, Kakee Ningeosiak, Luca Mikkigak, Johnny Angutikjuak, John Terriak, David Kadloo, Isaac Oqutaq, and Quvianaqtuk Pudlat.

See a few select works from this feature below:

Sparring Narwhals by Quvianaqtuk Pudlat, $1400

Narwhal by Temela Pitsiulak, $1800

Narwhals by Johnny Angutikjuak, $780.


Narwhal and Calf by Temela Pitsiulak, $2800.


Narwhals by Kakee Ningeosiak, $1200.

Narwhal by David Kadloo, $850. 

Shop more narwhal-themed works at the Craft Ontario Online Shop!


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