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Continuum: Opening Reception Friday April 4, 6-8 PM! READ MORE HERE
Continuum: Opening Reception Friday April 4, 6-8 PM! READ MORE HERE
Heidi McKenzie ceramic artist shares grant writing tips workshop

Tips for Success in Grant Writing with Heidi McKenzie

September 18th and 25th, 5-7 PM EST
This is an online presentation via Zoom
Registration: $22.50 for Craft Ontario members, $30 for non-members

Have you ever wondered why some artists seem to have opportunities fall into their laps? Likely these artists have navigated the public funding system successfully and secured a grant, award or some other form of financial assistance to realize their creative and artistic visions one project at a time. The key to creating new revenue streams for all aspects of your studio practice – from community projects to international residencies, to simply ‘paying the rent' – is effective, clear communication of your ideas through proposal writing. This workshop will focus on sourcing grants, demystify the different levels/types of granting from the Canada Council, regional and municipal granters. The second part of the workshop will focus more on writing tips and we will analyze examples of grants, what's good what's not, through case studies and writing samples with practical advice on writing "good proposals" that improve your chances of receiving grants.

Heidi McKenzie is a Toronto-based ceramic artist. She completed her BA Honours in Arts Administration at UTSC (1990), MA in Arts Management at Warwick (1994), and MFA at OCADU (2014). Heidi exhibits nationally and internationally. Heidi pivoted from a twenty-year career in arts management, policy work, business management and radio and film production to become a full-time installation artist and arts journalist. She has had much experience and success securing corporate, private and public sector funding for clients/arts organizations and for herself. Through the support of the Ontario Arts Council and Canada Council for the Arts, Heidi has participated as an artist in residence in Ireland, Indonesia, Australia, Hungary and Canada. Her recent exhibition Reclaimed at the Gardiner Museum and Girmitya HerStories the Indian Ceramics Triennale in 2023/2024 bring little-know stories of her Indo-Caribbean ancestry home.

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