Protector - Tree Of Peace
This stone sculpture features highly detailed and intricate carving.
Soap Stone
Approx. 4 x 4 x 11"
Craig Longboat, in Iroquois, his name “Tehoha’ the’ doh” means Bringing Brightness. He is from the Wolf Clan of the Onondaga Nation in Ohsweken (Six Nations Reserve). He was born in 1976 and has been carving stone for many years. Prior to carving soapstone, Craig carved primarily in wood, using techniques taught to him by his father. Craig comes from a very talented family, who are well known for their soapstone carvings and wooden mask carvings. Craig is the grandson of the late Jacob E. Thomas who was a Cayuga chief, educator and historian. Craig’s Grandfather was also a well-known carver of wooden masks and the owner of the “Jake Thomas Learning Centre” in Wilsonville, Ontario.