Digital Edition of Studio Magazine Vol. 8 No. 1
The 2013 Saidye Bronfman Award Winner Greg Payce
Mireille Perron offers analysis and congratulations to the 2013 recipient whose celebrated ceramic practice turns material heads.
Sinking Ships and Rising Prices
Janna Hiemstra considers Garth Clark’s keynote to SNAG 2012.
Speaking Across Difference
When a curator from one cultural background engages with work from another, what becomes of this ‘Othering.’ Ellyn Walker wrestles.
The Stigma of Craft
Kathleen Morris looks at the place of craft in contemporary academic and higher educational settings.
Mastering Fine Craft in Canada
A proposed MFA in Craft media at ACAD has many people excited and wondering. Mary-Beth Laviolette shares the buzz.
Spirituality in the Making
Les Potter reflects on the presence of spirituality in making.
Tradition in Transition
Canada was the guest country at the most recent Carréfour Européen du Patchwork, an annual celebration of quilting in Alsace, France. Sandra Reford takes us there.
Toronto’s Summer of Jewellery
Barbara Isherwood prepares Canada to host the next SNAG conference and the first TIJF, in summer 2013.
Chips and Blocks
Bettina Matzkuhn traces the craft gene from parents to children, looking at three families who are all in it together.
Anne Manuel reflects on the last issue of Studio, Craft and the New Economy.
Congratulations and announcements.
Did You Know?
Michael Prokopow celebrates the surfboard.
Edible craftsmanship from around the country.
Under the Radar
Spotting fresh work and talent.
Review: Not So Fast
Ellyn Walker on the recent ON exhibition.
Review: Felt Translation
Amy Gogarty on Joanne Circle’s BC Exhibition.
Review: Jane Kidd and Negotiating Tradition
Virginia Stephen on two AB Exhibitions.
From Fredericton, NB.